
Showing posts from August, 2023

Mr Farmer's watch

A certain farmer lost his valuable watch while working in his granary. It may look like an ordinary, worthless watch, but it had a deep emotional value because this watch was a gift to him from his beloved.    The farmer was very upset and started looking for his watch by turning the straw here and there. After searching for the watch for a long time, he got tired. But he didn't want to give up his search for his watch, so he asked a group of children playing outside for help. He promised them a good reward to the one who could find his precious watch.   Eager to get the prize, the children rushed into the granary and circled the haystack to find the clock. After a long time of looking for it, by turning the stack of hay around, some of the children got tired and gave up searching. The number of children looking for the clock slowly decreased and only a few tired children were left. They stopped looking for the it. Finally, the farmer also gave up hope of finding the cl